Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Results
Monograph of the Carboniferous Cephalopoda of Ireland... by Foord Arthur Humphrys 1844- ISBN: 9781314718904 List Price: $30.95
Ueber Die Orthoceren des Kohlenkalks (Carboniferous Limestone) Von Irland und Uber eine Neue... by Foord, Arthur Humphrys 1844 ISBN: 9781373728838 List Price: $10.95
Ueber Die Orthoceren des Kohlenkalks (Carboniferous Limestone) Von Irland und Uber eine Neue... by Foord, Arthur Humphrys 1844 ISBN: 9781373728845 List Price: $21.95
Monograph of the Carboniferous Cephalopoda of Ireland by Foord, Arthur Humphrys 1844 ISBN: 9781373255747 List Price: $19.95
Monograph of the Carboniferous Cephalopoda of Ireland by Foord, Arthur Humphrys 1844 ISBN: 9781373255761 List Price: $29.95